The following are enrollment services provided through Peer Advocacy at Being Alive.
For more information about these services call Peer Advocacy at (619) 291-1400.
If you would like to enroll in these services, we recommend that you call Peer Advocacy in advance to schedule a time/date and find out what documentation you may need for enrollment.
ADAP Enrollment
ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program) is California"s prescription drug assistance program funded by Ryan White CARE legislation and state funds. This program is administered by Professional Management Development Corporation (administered by Magellan) under contract with the California Department of Health Services. To be eligible for the California ADAP program applications must:
• Be living in California
• Be at least 18 years of age
• Be HIV positive
• Have a Federal adjusted gross income of less than $60,700 for Single and $82,300 for married per year.
For a complete list of requirements, contact Being Alive.